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About me

Mag.rer.nat. Thomas Huber


Psychotherapist (Psychodrama/Clinical Hypnosis/EMI)

Akademischer Kommunikationsberater,


As a Psychologist, Psychotherapist, and Coach, I have been working with people and their diverse and colorful issues for 19 years.

I have been involved in the field of management consulting and as a Seminar/Workshop Leader for over 22 years.

For 42 years, I have been dedicated to the art of wonder as a Magician (Phanthomas) on stage, and for over 28 years, I have been spreading cheer as a Red Nose Clowndoctor in hospitals.

Additionally, I give many lectures and facilitate workshops on humor and communication.

I love and live humor; enchanting things drive me.

I have a wonderful daughter named Lia and share a lively and trusting relationship with my partner Petra.

Mag. Thomas Huber
Psychotherapy | Clinical Hypnosis | Coaching
phone: +43 (0) 699 14 96 14 99
Innsbruckerstrasse 5, 6094 Axams
email me 

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